Sunday, 14th–We marched fifteen miles again today and went into camp for the night. The Seventeenth Corps also corralled their wagon train, leaving two brigades as a guard. There was some skirmishing in the front today, but we learn that the rebels have left Meridian without making any resistance, retiring to the south. Some of [...]
9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th and 14th spent getting mustered and rolls completed. 8th boys paid off and furloughed Saturday. Most of the regt. already in city. Work on company papers.
February, Sunday 14, 1864 Tate and Helen cam back from Dixie today —
February ___[1], 1864.—I have found out a good deal about Colonel Capers and all I hear makes me admire him the more. I will try to write this like history, my little Diary, and you must take care of it for future generations. When Georgia seceded, Henry D. Capers was in command of the Marietta [...]
FEBRUARY 14th.—Clear and windy. There is nothing new that I have heard of; but great apprehensions are felt for the fate of Mississippi—said to be penetrated to its center by an overwhelming force of the enemy. It is defended, however, or it is to be, by Gen. (Bishop) Polk. I hear of more of the [...]