Friday, 12th–We reached Decatur at 10 o’clock this morning and went into camp. The rebels attacked the provision train of the Sixteenth Corps and killed twenty of the mules before our men could rally and put them to rout. The town was burned before we left it. Things are marching fine.
FEBRUARY 12th.—It is warm to-day, and cloudy; but there was ice early in the morning. We have recaptured twenty-odd of the escaped prisoners. A bill has passed Congress placing an embargo on many imported articles; and these articles are rising rapidly in price. Sugar sold to-day at auction in large quantity for $8.00 per pound; [...]
February 12th.–John Chesnut had a basket of champagne carried to my house, oysters, partridges, and other good things, for a supper after the reception. He is going back to the army to-morrow. James Chesnut arrived on Wednesday. He has been giving Buck his opinion of one of her performances last night. She was here, and [...]