January 10th-17th. Weather fine. Weather permitting, company drill in the forenoon, battalion drill in the afternoon, also dress parade. No matter what the weather conditions were guard and picket duty must be done. Mild weather brings on the sticky Virginia mud, disagreeable. My greatest trouble at this time is an ingrowing toe nail, causing me [...]
Jan. 17. The balance of the re-enlisted men left for home today, several of the officers going with them. We have now got our ultimatum, either enlist or go into exile. An order was received intimating that as enlistments seemed about through in this regiment, we would be more useful at Yorktown than here, and [...]
Sunday, 17th–We had an all day rain. Company inspection early this morning. The Eleventh Iowa received their muster rolls and the boys are anxious to be sworn into the service and start for home on their thirty-day furloughs.
17th. Found a dugout at noon. Rol and I went ahead and engaged dinner. Pulled on in P. M. Ab and I in canoe. Stayed over night at a Union man’s. Courtship scene. None of Tenn., her women, institutions and privileges for me.
16th. Went down with Smith and Bob for dinner. Failed. Good supper at the hotel. Started down the river at dark–in pontoon. Smith, Sheldon, Stopper, Rol. Morgan, Ab Cole, Nash, Geo. Hart, etc. Went down three miles and put up at log barn–fire.
JANUARY 17th.—There is nothing new to-day. The weather is pleasant for the season, the snow being all gone. Custis has succeeded in getting ten pupils for his night-school, and this will add $100 per month to our income—if they pay him. But with flour at $300 per barrel; meal, $20 per bushel, and meat from [...]