Jan. 14. Up to this date about 200 of our men have reenlisted, and today the first detachment left for home on their thirty days’ furlough. They were accompanied by three of the officers, one of whom was Lieut. McCarter of company B. I hope they will have a good time and enjoy themselves. Orders [...]
Thursday, 14th–There is a rumor that our army has taken Charleston, South Carolina. Some of our guard early this morning stole a big fish from a fisherman who was taking a load to market. It weighed forty pounds and was divided among the boys. I took a piece to my tent and cooked it, but [...]
14th. Little to do. No boat. Marched at 2 P. M. for Kingston–6 miles–and camped. Dr. Noble and I bunked together.
JANUARY 14th.—Mr. A. ____, editor of the ______, recommends the Secretary of War to get Congress to pass, in secret session, a resolution looking to a reconstruction of the Union on the old basis, and send Commissioners to the Northern Governors. Meantime, let the government organize an army of invasion, and march into Pennsylvania. The [...]
January 14th.–Gave Mrs. White twenty-three dollars for a turkey. Came home wondering all the way why she did not ask twenty-five; two more dollars could not have made me balk at the bargain, and twenty-three sounds odd.