Thursday, 10th September. O my prophetic soul! part of your forebodings are already verified! And in what an unpleasant way! Day before yesterday an English officer, not the one who came here, but one totally unknown to me, said at Mrs. Peirce’s he was going to visit the Confederate prisoners. He was asked if he [...]
Thursday, 10th.—Remained on train all night. Brother Tom returned to regiment from detail duty on Eastern Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railroad. Moved to Walton’s Springs. (Note: picture is of an unidentified Confederate soldier.)
10th. We were notified of the surrender of the Gap and 2500 prisoners and 12 pieces of artillery. Encouraged. Had been talk that we were to storm the works. 32 pounders to be brought by Baptist Gap. Had some chopping before getting to the main road. Saw a good many Ohio boys on the other [...]
Thursday, 10th–I reported to the doctor this morning for the second time in the space of two years. The doctor thought that I was in no immediate danger, for which opinion I thought he was not very well posted, but he gave me the “Blue Mass” pills, telling me to be sure to take them [...]
SEPTEMBER 10th.—A Mr. J. C. Jones has addressed a letter to the President asking permission to run the blockade to confer with Mr. Bates, of President Lincoln’s cabinet, on terms of peace, with, I believe, authority to assure him that none of the Northwestern States, or any other free States, will be admitted into the [...]
Camden, S. C, September 10, 1863– It is a comfort to turn from small political jealousies to our grand battles–to Lee and Kirby Smith after Council and Convention squabbles. Lee has proved to be all that my husband prophesied of him when he was so unpopular and when Joe Johnston was the great god of [...]