August 5th. At twelve thirty A. M. took in all fore and aft sails; at five thirty braced around the yards; made a sail off port quarter, and one off port beam; at eight forty made Tortugas light house, bearing, per compass, northeast; at five thirty P. M. Sand Key light reported two points on [...]
5th. Went to Cleveland in morning on train. Did some shopping and then went to Uncle’s. Mrs. Col. Webb, cousin of Ma’s, there. Had a splendid visit with her. Very plain but rich and intelligent. Went home on the P. M. train. Attended Young Ladies’ Literary. Miss Everson did well, natural. In the evening had [...]
Wednesday, 5th–The heat continues as yesterday. The Eleventh Iowa signed their payrolls today, and the Fifteenth Iowa received their pay. I was on fatigue duty all day. We had dress parade this evening for the first time since May 19th. The boys came out in fine style. Troops are leaving every day to reinforce different [...]
AUGUST 5th.—A letter from Hon. W. Porcher Miles to the Secretary of War, received the 15th July, urging the government to send some long-range Brooke guns for the salvation of Charleston, and saying that the President had once promised him that they should be sent thither, being sent by the Secretary to the President, was, [...]
Georgeanna Muirson Woolsey to her Mother. Fishkill, August 5. Dear Mother: Thank you for your nice note which came last night. . . . No wonder you regret Gettysburg. You will be gladder all the time that you went there and did what you did; and you will be ready to give me great praise, [...]